Who am I ?

Joris Grey (he/him) I am leadership coach for Queer entrepreneurs in the health & wealth industry who don't fit the norm and want to build a business and team they desire. 

With 12+ years of business experience and coaching entrepreneurs for 6 years now I truly know what moves the needle in your company

I provide: clarity, strategy, effective communication and leadership tools. And we create a business that makes selling easy and joyful. 

No complex strategies, no cookie cutter, we create a business on your terms. So that you can spend time on your 1000 other interests. 

When I am not growing businesses, I am walking my dog Luna Lovegood, reading stacks of books (current favorites are SCI-FI and MM smut) or thinking about food.

Want to know what it's like to work with me?

Book a call

FUCK the rules, create the business you desire

You're running a business which means even with a small team of support, you're still wearing all the hats and responding to a lot of the day to day work. And you're doing it part instinct, part intuition and a good portion of making this up as you go along. 

Being supported in your business isn't just someone running your social media or designing ads. 

It's having a support system that allows you to free up time in your calendar, be a stronger leader, bring in more revenue, and dare I say it - leave time for real weekends off, trips abroad and giving you more time to be the visionary in your business.

Before you add on more admin support hoping to catch up or even get ahead, working with me can help you really define where you actually want to grow your business, how to best use your time (and your team’s time) to reach your future goals now. 


Why it's important to me 

It’s important to me because even though the business coaches I had were amazing, when I started my transition I found myself in a program only tailored to cis women. Did you ever feel you accidentally barged into a private conversation that you were not supposed to hear? Well that's how it feels to be a man in a women's only space. 

When I started having conversations about business and being queer, time and again people said that no one sold to them, they didn't feel they belonged or they tried to fit in but did not feel completely safe and understood by their coach. 

When you need to filter the information you are receiving constantly because it's so binary, it's a whole extra weight as a business owner. You just want to know what works for you and don't have to deal consistently with a laser sharp focus on your sexuality and identity. Plus when you are trans, conversations like that could feel dysphoric because its language that does not fit you

At the end of the day, we are just people and want to thrive